Radiation therapy or radiotherapy is therapy using ionizing radiation, generally as part of cancer treatment to control or kill malignant cells.

Radiation therapy is commonly applied to the cancerous tumor because of its ability to control cell growth. Ionizing radiation works by damaging the DNA of cancerous tissue leading to cellular death.
We have modern radiotherapy ( IMRT and 3D conformal radiotherapy ) are now providing very accurate direction of radiation to the tumor with very meticulous protection of sensitive organs “the eye – the brain – the rectum” around the treated tumor. Precision during application of this high technology radiotherapy is very crucial and needs very high personal experience and training for for filled.
The new concept of radiotherapy is high curability for the tumor and ultimate safety for the patient and minimal toxicity.
Our center is very well known of high quality training and experience in the topic of IMRT and 3D radiotherapy.
We provide our radiation service in two places:
El Zeraeen Cancer center, Dokki
El Salam hospital, Maadi
Badrawi cancer center, Maadi
Armed forced hospital, Maadi